Who supports the Rams more LA or St. Louis?

Who supports the Rams more LA or St. Louis?

I have been looking at some numbers recently to see where support for the Rams comes from. (MO or CA)

Not a scientific study by any means but 20 years after Rams have left California RamsFootball.com still gets the vast majority of it’s traffic from the west coast.

I think this chart sheds a lot of light on where fan support is stronger.

Who supports the Rams more

Who supports the Rams more? LA or St. Louis


These numbers were taken from analytics tracking software for the web site RamsFootball.com.

3 thoughts on “Who supports the Rams more LA or St. Louis?

  1. Avatar
    Gerald Reynolds

    Being a long time LA Rams fan this poll does my heart good. I knew of many fans who would fly from Southern California to St Louis to watch the games over the years. You just do not cut your ties with 50 years of fandom. Who generations of Southern California fans who grew up as Los Angeles Rams fans.

  2. Avatar
    Maurice Serna

    1) Born in LA.
    2) Ram fan since birth.
    3) Heartbroken when they left Los Angeles.
    4) Hoping for their return to the west coast.

  3. Avatar
    Albert Gamboa

    I cant see why Georgia took the Rams away from here in the first place. Im the type of fan that is dedicated to his team and its not in me to just jump to another team. So livivg my life in southern california (ontario), its been “Dodgers, Lakers, Rams, USC football & UCLA basketball.” Final answer, lock it in. “BRING BACK THE LOS ANGELES RAMS.” Die hard fans are waiting for this!