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Terrelle Pryor gets his first football action in a long time tonight

Terrelle Pryor gets his first football action in a long time tonight

When the Raiders and Cowboys get together in Oakland on Monday night, quarterback Terrelle Pryor will step into the spotlight for the first time since the Sugar Bowl that capped the 2010 season. The post-lockout, later-than-usual supplemental draft followed by a five-game non-suspension suspension resulted in Pryor making it onto the field for only one…

Terrelle Pryor gets his first football action in a long time tonight

Terrelle Pryor gets his first football action in a long time tonight

When the Raiders and Cowboys get together in Oakland on Monday night, quarterback Terrelle Pryor will step into the spotlight for the first time since the Sugar Bowl that capped the 2010 season. The post-lockout, later-than-usual supplemental draft followed by a five-game non-suspension suspension resulted in Pryor making it onto the field for only one…