Mike Vick Dominant Until St. Louis Rams Force, Recover Fumble In Red Zone
The St. Louis Rams couldn’t stop Mike Vick in the second quarter—everything the Philadelphia Eagles star tried, running and passing, seemed to work, and the defense couldn’t seem to get pressure on Vick, who seemed to move around on a Segway behind the line of scrimmage until the play resolved itself for him. But Quintin Mikell, a defensive back most recently of the Philadelphia Eagles, came out of nowhere to sack Vick in the red zone, and James Laurinaitis leapt on the ball for the fumble.
Already trailing 14-10 it was a crucial stop for the Rams ahead of halftime, one that resulted in a Donnie Jones punt back into Eagles territory. The Rams defense has thus far looked strong when it’s able to apply pressure to Vick, but that’s been extremely difficult for them to do consistently. When it doesn’t happen Vick has looked downfield for the death blow as often as not, and eventually, given enough chances, he’s going to connect.